
List of organizations

Volga Region Cities Association (VRCA)

Volga Region Cities Association (VRCA)

The Volga Region Cities Association (VRCA) was established in 1998

Its chief goal is to coordinate the activities of its member-cities situated along the Volga River for the more efficient exercise of its rights and interests.

As of today, it is one of the most dynamically developing interregional associations in Russia. All its cities have neighboring relations and, as a result, have a lot in common when it comes to their city management structures and the daily problems they encounter, which allows them to share and exchange experience with a great efficiency.

The VRCA actively cooperates with the federal government organs of the Russian Federation, participating in the preparation and holding of parliamentary hearings, round tables and assemblies of their committees; in the expert examination of their laws and legislation projects; and in the preparation of reports and suggestions for the highest government officials.

Volgograd has been a member of the VRCA since 2005. The Mayor of Volgograd makes part of the VRCA governing body – the Board of the Association.

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